So United just announced a deal that if you register they will award you 500 miles if you are 30 minutes late when flying in/out of ORD or DCA. No questions asked. Of course, this week was the week I flew American.
We arrive at O'Hare - no ground crew in site. It took them over 15 minutes to park us and connect the jet-bridge. What is up with that? If every airline took accountability like that I'd be rich on miles!
Don't get me wrong. Traveling every week, you get accustomed to some minor irritations - like last week, I got on my stand-by flight and got the last seat on the plane (no really, the LAST seat. In the last row - in front of the bathrooms - middle seat, possibly the worst seat on the plane. But hey, I got on that flight) and the person in front of me decided s/he would THROW the seat back. You know what I mean - the person in front of you with no regard for your knees, your head, or anything else that doesn't exist in their row.
Tonight I'm stuck here again (my club membership definitely helps keep me sane). Flying in/out of O'Hare you'd expect weather to be a problem. In the winter it's snow and in the summer it's storms. Alas.... not a storm in sight. It's late and everyone is on EST which means it's too late to call anyone so I'll blog.
Better run....the flight board says I'm leaving in 1/2 an hour - yeah right. Boards lie.